Of dark, mysterious and rich booty from the conquests of war, the Basilica is a unique blend of Eastern and Western influences. The Oriental extravagance, during the 6 th century, nice with beautiful mosaics, marble and sculptures, was the appropriate place for the ceremony Serenissima.
Žderić D., Glamuzina D., Karabatić I., Žderić I., Kozole L., Baniček
M., i Šarić I. Venecija i Veneto - Eyewitness travel guide: Venecija dio po dio - San Marco. ISBN/EAN:
9789531200479. Zagreb: Profil International, 2005., 80.pg.
Church authorities in Rome took a dim view of Venice`s tendency to glorify itself and God in the same breath, but Venice finished San Marco as it saw fit: the basilica`s grand East - meets - West cosmopolitan style includes Eastern onion - bulb domes, a Greek cross layout, Gothic arches, and dizzying puzzle - work floors made from Egyptian marble. The roped - off circuit of the church is free and takes about 15 minutes; going through twice is recommended to recover from the initial astonishment. The Loggia dei Cavalli is worth a look for its views over Piazza San Marco, but the alabaster chalices and icons in the Treasury can`t quite compare to the exquisite enamel miniatures on the bejewelled Pala d`Oro altarpiece.
Note that you`ll need to be dressed modestly (ie knees and shoulders covered) to enter the basilica, and large bags must be left around the corner at Ateneo di San Basso (9:30am - 5:30pm). ALISON BING
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